Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cristian's t-ball game

These pictures are from Cristian's t-ball game on June 5th. He really likes his team and playing with the other kids. He is one of the smaller kids on his team and we have been working with him on his throwing and batting skills.

4th Doctor's Appointment

I had my 4th doctor's appointment on June 5th. Josh went with me so that we could hear the heartbeat, but the doctor had no such luck. He sent us to the hospital for an ultrasound to make sure that everything was okay. The baby was so active that the technician had a difficult time recording the heartbeat and taking a picture of the baby. After many attempts everything was recorded and we got a picture. She said that the baby was extremely active and that is why the doctor had a hard time finding the heartbeat. Everything else was okay and our next appointment is July 6th.