Thursday, September 6, 2007

Echo Cardiogram & Ultrasound in Duluth (9th Doctor's Appt.)

Yesterday, Sept. 5th, Josh and I went to Duluth for an ultrasound and echo cardiogram on the baby. The ultrasound showed that everything is developing great and that the baby is weighing in at over 3 pounds with a little over 10 weeks to go. We also were able to find out the sex of the baby and it is a...... GIRL!!!!!! She has hair on her head already and from the picture they gave us looks like Cristian. We even saw on the ultrasound her little ribcage moving as she was doing her practice breathing. That was really neat.

The echo cardiogram went just as well. Her heart is developed with all four chambers. She has an arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat which we had suspected. This is caused by premature atrial contractions which are extra beats that originate in the atria (the upper chambers of the heart) and don't carry over to the ventricular side of the heart (the lower half) causing the heart to pause and start beating over again. These are mostly harmless. She could outgrow this by the time she is born or eventually as she gets older. The doctor's are optimistic about this diagnosis being benign, but they still intend to listen to the heartbeat carefully every visit now to assure that this will not be a problem. I have to watch my caffeine intake by switching to caffeine free soda because the caffeine in regular pop will stimulate the baby's heartbeat causing more irregular rhythms.

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