Friday, April 20, 2007

Cristian's 1st Field Trip

These pictures are from Cristian's very first field trip with his school the L.C.O. Headstart. The field trip was this last Thursday April 19th. Since this is their food and nutrition month they came to my work, Tremblay's, to see how we make fudge.

Cristian was so excited to go and he was very happy to see me!!! I got a big hug from him when he came in the store. He even introduced me to some of his classmates. The kids were so good and very polite.
They all got to pick out suckers and my boss made them fudge which they all got to try. I watched some of their field trip, but not all of it because I was at work. I was able to get a few pictures of Cristian's class and a picture of him touring the candy store.


Alissa said...

How adorable!!! That's cool you got to share in that!

Girl Next Door said...

Cristian is such a big boy.