Tuesday, October 2, 2007

11th Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday, October 1st, I had my 11th doctor's appointment. I still have a bladder infection, but I am on antibiotics for another infection so the doctor is hoping that this will take care of both. I will find out at my next appointment.

We listened to the heartbeat and it sounds GREAT!!!!! We didn't hear any pauses and the doctor is optimistic that she has possibly outgrown her arrhythmia already!!! The measurement of my abdomen is about an inch and a half ahead of where is should be so maybe I am further ahead of my due date. That would be great.

I also had some blood work done for anemia. I was so worn out last week on Thursday that my boss sent me home from work and I ended up staying home on Friday because I was so exhausted and I didn't feel good. I should be getting some word from the doctor's office in the next few days as to whether or not I need extra iron in my pregnancy.

The doctor also checked to see if I was dilated or effaced. I have been having lots of pressure and contractions so he wants to make sure that I am not already beginning labor. I have no dilation and the baby has not dropped yet. I am also having pain in my tailbone. The doctor believes that all of this pressure in my lower regions is caused by my tailbone being out of place. He did try to pop it back into place, but it wouldn't budge.

We also went over to the hospital and had a tour of the OB department so we know what it is like in this hospital. Cristian really enjoyed this because he got to see where the baby will be born.

My next appointment will be on October 16th and then I will go every week after that. We are at 33 weeks right now so everything is coming fast and we are starting to prepare for our new arrival.

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