Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cristian's Learning to skate

This fall/winter Cristian will be learning to skate and play hockey. These pictures are from an open skating practice they had up at the sports center for the kids to practice their skating skills. Josh walked around on the ice to help him if he needed help.

He was walking at first and now he is starting to glide. Since we ended up getting him new skates, he has had to start over in a way to get used to skating in the new skates. He was slowly pushing with one foot and gliding, but now he is starting to push and glide again since he is breaking in his new skates.

Cristian is practicing getting up off of the ice by himself so he can get back on his feet.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I love these pics...I hope we can see him "skate" when we come to see Ava. They brought tears to my eyes, I think cuz he looks so big!